We are coming towards the future that we have only dreamed of in literature. Self-driving cars and taxis can now be seen in the streets and carry passengers. What used to be imagined only in science fiction can now be found in automotive news.
Many companies are now in fact testing self-driving cars and we are anticipating that soon, this will be introduced to regular consumer market. In case you’re wondering, almost every major automaker, tech giants like Google, Apple, Tesla, and computer chip makers Qualcomm and Nvidia are working on self-driving car projects. Standing on the shoulder of these giants, we are almost ready to experience our new future.
How Self-driving Cars Affect Passengers and Drivers
With smart technology behind the wheels, we wouldn’t have to worry about our inability to drive in certain circumstances. Gone are the days when you might have been too drunk to drive. Certain vehicular accidents can be avoided and perhaps we might be having the safest roads possible.
This will also open doors for people with disability and improve their mobility. It is important to study though how else it will affect members of the society, such as taxi drivers.
Parking Spaces
Self-driving cars can have their own ability to find a good parking space. This will save us time from circling around the entire parking space and wait for an available spot. If it could be convenient, we might be able to send our self-driving car to home and then come back to pick us up later!
In some ways, it would appear similar to having a driver and a car at the same time.
The Final Take
Presently, security and safety is what we’re making sure of before self-driving cars completely dominate the highways and streets. In China, however, self-driving cars have reached a significant number to be considered “commercial” and not just in the process of testing and conception. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean the technology has reached perfection. We’re pretty certain that some people have had poor self-driving rides.
According to Nvidia article from forbes.com It Takes A Village: Why Collaboration Is The Key To Self-Driving Cars;
Designing and building a car takes much more than assembling four wheels and a body — it can take up to five years, thousands of people and a range of partners to engineer, test and manufacture it.
The automotive technology behind self-driving cars will see to it that performance and safety will be a key priority. At the same time, we want to make sure that this will still be appealing for a large number of people in order for it to be considered successful. Regardless of how the future turns out, we’re completely sure of one thing: we all simply want a safe, great ride.
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